Ability to save your sketch permanently in the pictures hub. Auto-Saves all your strokes and color selections so you can continue after a phone call, or checking email, for example. Ability to select stroke outline color of your choice.

Ability to select stroke width of your choice. Ability to select the drawing color of your choice.

Ability to select background color of your choice. With professional-grade drawing tools in a beautiful interface. Ability to select background image, either from your existing images or capture a new one from camera. SketchBook is sketching, painting, and illustration software for all platforms and devices. This is a fun little app to bring out your inner Picasso Remember to 5-star rate the app and send your suggestions to for any updates you will like to see. My daughter loves it and can't stop playing with it. A very handy tool for enriching any discussion with visuals. I use it to communicate with my grandma who is hard of hearing. This is a great app, love trying my hand at sketching. Look at some of the great reviews for yourself: Exactly what everyone needs on their WP. The possibilities are endless, only your imagination limits it - you can do pretty much everything you can do on a paper/canvas, so go ahead, give it a try and have fun. Want to play a game that you can draw on paper - check. Want to take down notes while on a call - check. You can also load any existing image (or an already saved sketch) as a background and draw on that. Featured in the Windows Phone Store by Microsoft SketchPad allows you to draw free hand on a canvas on your device using a color of your choice from the palette, and to save your sketch to keep for memory and show it to others. Showcased in App Social by Nokia at #1 spot in Staff Picks. Featured in the "You are What You App" campaign by Microsoft.