On November 13, 2015, Logic released his sophomore album, “The Incredible True Story,” and it was like a holiday. I think one of the main reasons why liked Logic’s music so much was because it was relatable, it was lyrical and it made me think. I became more and more of a fan with every song I listened to. I went back and downloaded Logic’s “Young, Broke and Infamous” and “Young Sinatra” mixtapes. I remember bobbing my head to the beats and being taken back by some of the punch lines Logic had pieced together on that mixtape.

I continued listening to tracks such as, “Set the Tone,” “Dead Presidents III,” “Young Sinatra III” and “All Sinatra Everything,” among others. The song was deep and it had the instrumental from the movie, “Inception.” Something about it just hooked me. That was Logic’s second installment in his Young Sinatra series, “Young Sinatra: Undeniable” and his fourth mixtape overall. I listened to the first song on the mixtape, entitled “Inception,” and I was instantly hooked. I remember browsing HotNewHipHop in early May of 2012 and coming across a mixtape with a picture of a young Frank Sinatra. In doing so, I will review Logic’s newest album and explain why I believe he’s a force to be reckoned with. On the intro for “The Incredible True Story,” Kai (played by Kevin Randolph) tells Thomas (played by Steve Blum) that Logic’s second LP is “the album that changed everything.” Thomas then proceeds to say, “That’s why it’s so important.” In celebration of Logic’s new album, I would like to delve back into Logic’s discography and attempt to put my finger on how he has developed as an artist.